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2017-2018 學年度開學典禮 熱鬧登場 School Year Opening Ceremony

位於馬州蒙郡伍頓高中的華府中文學校﹐2017-2018新學年度在前校長黃秀媚服務滿五年轉任為學校榮譽顧問後﹐將校長之重任交棒給前文教主任李中慧。新任校長李中慧自2011年起就在華府中文學校服務﹐曾任家長會長,活動組長,文教主任等職務,對於學校的各項運作及校務均駕輕就熟。 李校長於9月9日上午假華府僑教中心招開2017年秋季班開學前預備會議。會中邀請教務主任葉金珠及新任文教主任張曉芬,陸續介紹了多位新加入華府中文學校團隊的教職員,再加上多數留任的優良資深教職員, 組成堅強的團隊陣容,一起為在美國的中文教育向下紮根而努力。此外黃幼基董事,家長會副會長姚星民也向教職員一一介紹了董事會及家長會的成員及報告兩會職掌。上午的預備會議結束後,當天下午,語文老師們馬不停蹄地繼續進行了「教學座談會」,彼此分享暑假進修的研習心得,進而增進教學專業知識與技能,為新學年的開始做好充分的準備。

次日九月十日下午二點,華府中文學校秋季開學典禮在馬州蒙郡伍頓高中盛大舉行。今年前來註冊的新生較往年增加頗多,學校中庭到處可見到許多美國新移民的家長,帶著自己的孩子們排在長長的人龍隊伍之中,等著完成報名註冊和選購校服,期待著加入華府中文學校的大家庭,使今年新學期的招生帶來一番蓬勃氣象。另一端學校籃球場內,在副校長劉世掦及活動組長李偉智的引領下,全校三百多位學生, 教職員都整齊地穿著象徵華府精神的棗紅色學校T-shirt , 排排坐在場內,和前來觀禮的家長, 大大小小的身影擠滿了整個球場,形成一片人山人海的壯觀景象,熱鬧非凡。開學典禮在新任校長李中慧簡短致詞及拍攝全校師生團體照留念之後圓滿完成。各年級的老師和助教,陸續帶領各班同學回到教室,展開新學期的課程。

After the former principal Mrs. Vicky Huang five year service at WSCLC, she was appointed to being the school consultant, and gave the responsibility and the position of the principal to the former school cultural director Mrs. Jennifer Lee. The new principal Mrs. Lee has been serving school since 2011 as the president of PTA, activities coordinator, and cultural director; being very familiar to every aspects of operation in the school. Mrs. Lee held a meeting to discuss the 2017 Fall pre-school year preparations at TECRO culture center on September 9th. Academic director Mrs. Yeh and newly appointed cultural director Fenny Chang introduced the new school staff and teachers. BOD member Mr. Huang and Vice President of the PTA Mr. Yao has also introduced the board of directors and members of the PTA and explained the role of each parties during the meeting. After the preparations meeting, the language teachers joined the teaching seminar in the afternoon; sharing their thoughts and experience from the studies they did during the summer, and improving their skills and knowledge of educating; making full preparation for the new school year.

On September 10th, 2:00 in the afternoon; the opening ceremony of the fall semester of WSCLC was held in Wootton High School. The number of newly registering students has increased significantly over the past years. A lot of newly immigrated parents can be seen in the main hall, waiting in the long line for their turn to sign up their children, and purchase school uniforms. Seeing new students so eager to join the big family of WSCLC in this fresh new semester is certainly a lively scene. Inside the basketball court, hundreds of students and staff members wearing the school T-shirts that symbolizes the spirit of HuaFu are sitting inside the court. Soon, the court is filled with people, a group picture (see below) was taken after a short speech from the new principal Mrs. Lee. The teachers and students are ready to begin a new semester.

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