9/13 開學日並舉行家長老師座談會 First Day of School & PT Conference
新學期於9月13日下午2:00準時開課 (幼一班和拼音四班為中午12:30,拼音七班為下午3:00)。由於今年針對網絡教學做了許多調整,老師及家長需要儘早溝通,因此今年的家長會將提早於開學第一週9月13日進行。各班老師會利用第三節課的時間(下午3:40左右, 詳細時間請留意各班老師的通知),與家長溝通交流並回答問題,請各位家長撥冗出席。
First day of school is 9/13, at 2:00pm (except K3 and PK classes at 10:00am). Also, the Parent/Teacher Conference will be held on the first day of school this year in the 3rd period (at approx. 3:40pm, please refer to teacher's communication for exact time). We have made many changes to accommodate online education this year, it's important to communicate such changes with parents as early as possible.
Below is a short welcome video recorded by the Principal, School board chairman, and PTA President.