新學期將於9月13日下午2:00準時開課 (幼一班,拼音四中午12:30,拼音七班為下午3:00) First day of school is 9/13, at 2:00pm (except K1

1. 新學期將於9月13日下午2:00準時開課 (幼一班和拼音四班為中午12:30,拼音七班為下午3:00)。由於今年針對網絡教學做了許多調整,老師及家長需要儘早溝通,因此今年的家長會將提早於開學第一週9月13日進行。各班老師會利用第三節課的時間(下午3:40左右),與家長溝通交流並回答問題。請各位家長撥冗出席。
2. 學校將於9月6日下午2:00至4:30之間在Wootton 高中停車場分發課本和相關教材。學校會在下週寄出一封單獨的電子郵件詳細解釋說明當天情況,請家長密切留意。
3. 請還未交付學費的家長盡快付費,否則將無法在9月6號領取課本及相關教材。單純的報名並不算完成註冊程序。付款方式可以PayPal 或者郵寄支票。付款詳情請參考華府中文學校網站
4. 華府中文學校仍然接受報名。學校今年為了鼓勵學生在疫情下繼續接受不間斷的中文教育,在行政及教學方面做了大量的調整,其中一項就是在提高教學品質的同時大幅降低學費。懇請家長們廣而告之,把我們的註冊信息告知有興趣的親友。
5. 對於在學校決定降低學費之前就支付了全額學費的家長們,我們將在withdrawal period後一並退費。這會大幅度降低學校的行政工作量,感謝大家的理解和配合。如果有個別家長需要提前退費,歡迎聯繫學校。
6. 學校將逐步將我們的電子郵件系統轉換到wsclc.org 網域名。爲了避免家長無法獲得學校的通知,麻煩請檢查郵箱設置,確認不會自動過濾學校的 wsclc.org 網域名。
7. 疫情之下,更凸顯了即時溝通的重要性。除了學校的網站及電子郵件,我們會在臉書上同步更新學校的各種資訊。請家長關注華府中文學校的臉書帳號
With the Fall Semester right around the corner, below are few important points we would like to share with you:
1. First day of school is 9/13, at 2:00pm (except K3 and PK classes at 10:00am). Also, the Parent/Teacher Conference will be held on the first day of school this year in the 3rd period (at approx. 3:40pm). We have made many changes to accommodate online education this year, it's important to communicate such changes with parents as early as possible.
2. Textbook, homework, and other materials will be distributed at Wootton High School parking lot from 2:00pm to 4:30pm on 9/6. Please mark your calendar and come pick them up. Another email with details will be sent later.
3. Please pay the tuition and material fees as soon as possible to complete your enrollment if you haven't already done so. A mere registration without payment does not count as full enrollment. We will not be able to hand you textbooks, etc. without full enrollment. You can pay either online via PayPal, or mail in a check. Payment details can be found on your registration confirmation email, or on the school website
4. We are still open for enrollment. As communicated earlier, we have made many changes this year, and one of them is significant tuition deduction. Please pass the information around if you know someone who is interested in learning Chinese.
5. For parents who paid the full amount earlier before the tuition deduction was announced, we will refund you after the withdrawal period. This helps school administration to process all transactions at once. If you have any concerns and/or needs to receive the refund sooner, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.
6. A friendly reminder that we are transitioning all our email accounts to the wsclc.org domain. Please make sure your email account does not filter emails from wsclc.org automatically.
7. We also have a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/WSCLCchineseschool) in addition to the school website and email announcement. Please feel free to follow us there for all the latest updates.