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2020-2021 新學年度線上註冊開始 Online Registration Is Now Open



  • 傳送報名表格之後,您會收到一封確認信,裡面註明有驗證碼、學費金額和付款方式。

  • 今年因Covid-19疫情,學校啟用PayPal付學費方式(學校會吸收手續費用),同時您也可以郵寄支票,詳細方法在確認信中註明。

  • 如同往年,學校將提供早鳥優惠至6/30/2020。您的學費收到日期和郵寄支票郵戳日期必須於6/30/2020之前, 將享有這項優惠。(而不是報名表格傳送日期)

  • 另外學校為了鼓勵各位學生在COVID-19居家避疫期,仍持之以恆的學習中文,今年所有春季班在校生學生註冊時均享有額外$30折抵,作為奬勵。

此外自2010年起,本校推行新生推薦奬勵。在校生家庭每推薦一位新學生到華府上課, 可以獲得30元的推薦獎勵, 詳情可查看本校的網站。



Time files and it is almost near the end of 2019-2020 school year.

In order to facilitate the projection and assessment for the next school year, please consider completing the online registration and payment by 6/30/2020. You will receive a tuition discount by registering early. Please use this link Online Registration 2020-2021 to register. After submitting the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email with a unique confirmation code, tuition amount, and payment instructions. With the COVID-19 situation, the school has enabled the online payment option via PayPal (School will absorb online transaction fee). Again, you can send in your payment either via PayPal or mailed check. Detailed instructions can be found in your registration confirmation email. Please note that school will acknowledge the early registration discount based on when payment is received (PayPal transaction date or postmark on mail-in check), not when the registration form is submitted.

In addition to the new online payment option, WSCLC will also apply another one-time $30 COVID-19 credit to each student who has attended online classes in Spring semester upon registration for the new semester. This credit is to show our support and appreciation to students who demonstrate their commitment to learning Chinese during this difficult time and are willing to continue the learning going forward.

As a reminder, we have also been offering a $30 referral reward to any registered student who refers a new student to WSCLC (who is not a family member of any current student) since 2010. Please go to our website or use the link Student Referral Form for more details.

Thank you for your support and cooperation throughout this year. Let us keep up with the good work and make our school continue to shine in the community. We are looking forward to seeing you in Fall semester.


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