2021學年開學日注意事項 School Opening Day
今年的開學日是九月十二日,時間是下午兩點到四點半,在Wootton High School。開學日當天我們的註冊組人員會在地下室食堂,而不是往年的一樓大堂。建議家長們盡量在開學前使用學校網站完成註冊及繳費,不要等到開學當天。我們想要盡可能的避免許多人在室内群聚的可能性。今年剛加入華府的新生如需要幫助,可以到地下室的食堂,我們會有校方人員提供幫助。
The first day of school is September 12th, from 2:00 to 4:30pm, at Wootton High School. This year we will have the registration desk set up at the cafeteria (basement) on the opening day. We strongly encourage you to register online via our school website and pay ahead of time. Let’s try to avoid crowding as much as possible. For new students who need assistance, please come to the cafeteria.
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