2022年大華府地中文學校聯誼會書法比賽 華府中文學校大獲全勝 Regional Calligraphy Contest
華府中文學校共有六位同學代表參賽大華府地區中文學校聯誼會所舉辦的校際中文書法比賽並有四位同學赢得榮耀! 恭喜四位同學!
一、二年級組: 班誠至
三、四年級組: 楊理安
五、六年級組: 班純瑞
七、八年級組: 林俞庭
A total of six students from Hwa-Fu Chinese School participated in the Chinese Calligraphy Competition held by the Washingtonian Metropolitan Association of Chinese School (WMACS) in December, and four students won the victory! Congratulations to the four students!
一、二年級組: 班誠至
三、四年級組: 楊理安
五、六年級組: 班純瑞
七、八年級組: 林俞庭