2024-2025 開學日 First Day of School
歡迎返校!今年開學日是星期日, 9 月 8 日下午 2 點,在 Thomas S. Wootton
高中(2100 Wootton Parkway, Rockville, MD 20850)。
Welcome back to school! First day of school is at 2pm on Sunday September
8, at Thomas S. Wootton High School.
開學第一天下午 4 點全體師生將合影留念。所有學生請穿 WSCLC T-卹,也可
在現場購買新的T-卹。歡迎家長在下午 4 點在主體育館加入我們。
A group picture will be taken on the first day of school at 4pm. All students
please wear WSCLC T-shirts if you have one, and T-shirts will be available for
purchase on-site as well. Parents are welcome to join us in the main gym at