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全校目前有二十二個班級,共有近二百五十位學生。儘量用獎勵方式,使學生能發揮其特長,而達到學習中文的目的。請家長與貴子弟們詳讀 ”Student Code of Conduct” 一欄,督促貴子弟們恪守所有的校規,否則一旦觸犯校規,將會受到應有的處分。


每週的上課時間是星期日下午二時至四時三十分,一共兩個半小時,分成二個單元:語文課和文化課。學校除了聘請專任語文教師外,另外還聘請有專業特長的教師,來教授文化課。項目包括﹕書法﹑民俗手工藝﹑棋藝﹑剛柔拳﹑扯鈴﹑以及民族舞蹈等。此外,在課餘時間還替家長與學生提供了籃球﹑網球﹑剛柔拳﹑太極拳﹑民族舞蹈﹑瑜珈﹑排舞及扯鈴等各項活動;隨各人喜好, 自由選擇。




The Washington School of Chinese Language and Culture (WSCLC) was founded in 1986 by five Montgomery County families.  The goal of WSCLC is to provide an innovative learning environment that emphasizes the Chinese culture as well as the language for Chinese American students.  We hope our students will grow to be better citizens of this diversified society and to create mutual understanding and bond between Chinese Americans and other ethnic groups.

WSCLC has grown from 120 students in nine classes to nearly 250 students in 22 classes.  Our student body has an age range between three and eighteen and assembles over two hundred families around the Greater Washington, D.C.  area. Our classes are held from 2:00 to 4:30 pm and consist of three periods:

1st period   - Chinese language

2nd period  - Chinese language

3rd period  - Culture class (hands-on activities that include Chinese calligraphy, Chinese chess, Chinese yo-yo, Chinese go, folk arts and crafts, folk dance, Chinese martial arts and others)


WSCLC also provides a variety of extra-curriculum activities before and after class for both students and parents. 


The Board of WSCLC consists of seven board members. The Board oversees activities of the school and the Parent Association.  The School principal is chosen by the Board on a yearly basis.  The Parent Association is formed by the parents of WSCLC students and its chairperson is elected by the members of the Parent Association.


WSCLC is a non-profit organization and obtains recognition by the IRS of exemption from federal income tax under 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.


WSCLC welcomes all interested individuals to its program. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability. 

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