華府中文學校 快樂夜市人潮洶湧 “Happy Night Market” Full of Participants
家長會的成員們還在「華府快樂夜市」設置了冷飲攤位﹐提供多種飲料。整個活動從4點半到6點多鐘圓滿閉幕﹐大家都盡興而歸。華府中文學校是每個星期日兩點到四點半在洛克維爾市的 WOOTON HIGH SCHOOL 上課,若有任何問題,請與校長程萌生 (301) 251-1555 或教務主任黃秀媚(301)762-5927 聯絡。
A new year has started, a fresh start to all. Rockville Maryland’s WSCLC planned to celebrate a new year. PTA PoFen Lin planned and carried out a night market, helped by the Principal Chen Meng Shen, Vicky Huang, and the President of the Board of Directors Mei-Ling Cheng. At the night market, there were over 10 stands, replicating the 1960s, 1970s style in Taiwan. However, there was some more current music and technology as well. The Night Market was very successful and attracted hundreds of students, parents, and teachers.
This night market is free, the school provides many prizes. PTA members prepared many different types of games and activities. Culture teacher Mr. Dai also performed Bu Dai Xi Puppets, which attracted a lot of kids. Outside of these activities that kids enjoyed, the older individuals also participated by adding onto these activities with stories about themselves. These seniors not only felt like they were going back, but also taught culture to the younger generations.
The PTA members at the night market also provided refreshments. The whole night market lasted from 4:30 to 6:00, and everyone was very happy with participating.
(套套樂) 套圈圈遊戲﹐套中就是你的
(戳戳樂) 送走了不少獎品