2018 第二屆華府體育文化節 2nd annual WSCLC Cultural Sport Festival
We are excited to announce that the 2nd annual WSCLC Cultural Sport Festival will be held on December 16, 2018 from 3:40 pm to 5:00 pm. This event is designed to promote Chinese culture and to encourage students to be more active while also highlighting the importance of good sportsmanship and teamwork. We cordially invite everyone to participate. There will be lots of fun activities for everyone to try and delicious food for sale at the Taiwanese Night Market Carnival from 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm, hosted by the PTA. We hope to see you there.
體育文化節全體學生必須穿著華府T恤,如您家寶貝需要購買華府T-shirt,請於12/09 & 12/16 上課時間向PTA購買。 體育文化節活動節目表。
Students need to wear the school T-shirt for the event; you can purchase the T-shirt on 12/09 & 12/16 during school hours from the PTA at the common area.