2020 教師節視訊敬師慶祝大會 Teacher's Day Online Celebration
今年由於疫情衝擊, 大華府地區中文學校聯誼會教師節慶祝大會改在線上舉行。本校賴怡君老師和楊菲老師榮獲五年優良教師獎,周詠倫老師和蘇淺蕪老師榮獲十年優良教師獎。得獎老師在線上接受表揚並和駐美蕭美琴大使線上合影留念。
This year, due to the impact of the COVID-19, the Teacher's Day celebration meeting hosted by WMACS has been held online. WSCLC teachers Yi-Chun Lai and Fei Yang received the Five-Year Excellent Teacher Award, and Teachers Betsy Yeh and Chenwu Su received the Ten-Year Excellent Teacher Award.
The award-winning teachers accepted the praise and took a group photo with Ambassador Bi-khim Xiao online.
賴怡君老師 - 五年
楊菲老師 - 五年
周詠倫老師 - 十年
蘇淺蕪老師 - 十年