親子幼幼班即日起正式對外招生 Toddler Play & Music Class
漫長的暑假即將結束,相信大家一定有個愉快又充實的假期,歡迎大家一起迎接新的學年。新的學年裡除了原有的課程之外,學校新設計了幼幼親子班,是針對二至三歲孩童沉浸在中文環境裡,透過親子互動遊戲中學習。另外也加強高年級班SAT II/AP Chinese 的輔導。
The long summer vacation is coming to an end. I believe that everyone will have a happy and fulfilling holiday. Welcome to the 2019 – 2020 school year.
In addition to the original curriculum, the new school year has a new designed parent-child class. It is aimed at children aged between two and three years old and is immersed in the Chinese environment to learn through parent-child interactive games. In addition, the SAT II / AP Chinese tutoring is also enhanced in high school class.
This is to remind parents who have not registered yet, please use the following link to complete the registration process as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you again on campus.