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2020-21 秋季班(上學期)為網路教學,上學期學費降低 Fall Semester will be online education with Reduced Tuition


2020-21 秋季(上學期)為網路教學 春季(下學期)目前未定,學校會依據MCPS之後的通知做決定。

2020-21 降低上學期學費 網路教學對所有學校都是一項新挑戰,我們也不例外。誠如之前所説華府中文學校的一貫主張是教育優先。爲了鼓勵大家在這艱難的時刻仍然不放棄學習中文,學校決定針對上學期的學費做出調整。下學期尚未決定。

  • 小學組,初中組,及高中組(G1/P1 and above)上學期的學費改爲$185。相當於每一位學生都將在現有的優惠下,再減免$100元。

  • 基於網路教學對幼兒的影響更勝於其它組別(例如上課時長較短),幼兒組(K1, K2, K3, PK)上學期的學費改爲$85。相當於每一位學生都將在現有的優惠下,再減免$200元。

  • 學校將就退款事宜另外聯絡已經付費的家長。

  • 已經註冊但還未付費的家長,請至華府網站重新註冊。


  • 學校的目標是盡量恢復2小時30分鐘的上課時長。但鑒於每個年齡段的學生對網路教學的適應程度不同,最終的決定是上課時長為2小時至2小時30分鐘。具體時間老師會根據各班情況進行調整。

  • 幼兒組情況特殊,上課時長基本與之前結束的春季班保持一致。但是老師會準備等長於2小時的教學内容給學生。

  • 上課將恢復三節課的形式(幼兒組除外)。第一節和第二節課如往常般為語文課,第三節的文化課取消,改爲各班老師靈活運用,例如帶領學生寫功課或練習語文對話。具體内容以及如何進行老師會根據各班情況調整。


  • 網路教學需要激發學生的動力並給予適當的壓力,因此學校決定恢復功課及考試,與此同時發出獎項作爲鼓勵。

  • 成績方面一改以往評定比例,將降低考試的比重,並增加網路課堂表現的比重。


  • 學校將於八月底(具體日期稍後通知)於Wootton High School 戶外發放課本及作業。請各位家長届時來領取。


Time goes by fast and 2020 Fall Semester is only a month away. We have been in continuous discussion ever since our school received the notification from MCPS and ICB, that Fall Semester will be online education. Because in WSCLC we believe that Chinese learning is not a process done overnight but rather a continuous process over time, we've decided to provide uninterrupted Chinese learning experience to our students by making the following changes for 2020-21 Fall Semester:

2020-21 Fall Semester will be online education Spring Semester is undecided for now, and school will follow MCPS updates and ICB guidelines closely.

2020-21 Fall Semester tuition adjustment

  • Online education is a new challenge to all schools, and we are no exception. To be consistent with our school core principles in valuing and prioritizing education, and to encourage everyone to continue with Chinese learning in this difficult time, we've decided to lower the tuition of the 2020-21 Fall Semester. Spring Semester tuition in not changed for now.

  • Tuition for the Primary and Secondary groups (G1/P1 and above) is lowered to $185, which is equivalent to $100 less per student on top of all other applicable discounts.

  • Due to the fact that Kindergarten group is less sustainable to online education (i.e. shorter class length), tuition for the Kindergarten group (K1, K2, K3, and PK) is lowered to $85, which is equivalent to $200 less per student on top of all other applicable discounts.

  • WSCLC will reach out to the families who already paid to go over the refund details.

  • For those families who registered but haven't paid yet, please register again by visiting WSCLC online registration site (

Class length adjustment

  • Our goal is to get back to the normal class length as much as possible. However, after giving more thoughts, we believe that one fixed class length is not appropriate to all age groups in online education. When Fall Semester begins, the class length will be between 2 hours and 2 hours 30 minutes, and the teachers of each grade will make a call accordingly.

  • The class length of Kindergarten group will stay the same as previous semester (2019-20 Spring Semester), but teachers will provide additional learning materials that are equivalent to 2 hours of learning to students.

  • We will go back to the 3 class periods format (except Kindergarten group). The first and second periods will be for language learning as usual, while the cultural classes in the third period will be replaced by various topics/materials scoped by each teacher. Examples include doing homework with teachers, and/or conversation practice.

Test, Homework, Class Participation, and Award

  • It's important to encourage students to be self-driven, while at the same time also to give them reasonable pressure, when it comes to online education. Hence starting from the Fall Semester, homework and tests will be given, along with the awards.

  • Grade weights will be adjusted, with test/quiz counted less and online class participation counted more toward the final grade.

Textbook distribution

  • We will distribute textbooks and homework at the Wootton High School (outdoor) in late August. Exact date and time will be announced soon. Please come and get your copy.

COVID-19 is new to all of us, not just a challenge to the school and the teachers, but also to the students and the parents. Everyone in WSCLC has been planning and preparing hard for this challenge. We not only make the changes mentioned above, but at the same time also lower the tuition significantly, to show our commitment to our students and parents. We truly value education and put it in high priority, and we believe education is the best gift a parent can give. Please keep in mind that an interruption to the Chinese learning for a short period of time does not mean precisely a short period of time, rather it means much of the efforts put in earlier are all in vain. We ask all parents to please work with us in this difficult time, and for those who have been hesitating to register, please register early. Not only because it helps your child to get uninterrupted Chinese learning, but it also helps our teachers to know the headcount and prepare ahead. Please also introduce WSCLC and share this new update to your friends who may be interested in Chinese learning. We welcome everyone. Thank you!


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